Mendioleas - Landing Page

Astro • Typescript • TailwindCSS • Firebase • Stripe

About the project

In another project with Digital Connect, we developed a landing page that included a product catalog. Each product linked to a Stripe payment link, though the pricing and Stripe profile setup are still being defined by the client.

As the project required managing multiple images, we chose to use Google Firebase Storage for efficient hosting. This service allowed us to handle a large volume of images without compromising the webpage’s performance or loading speed.

For the landing page development, we used Astro combined with Tailwind CSS. This combination provided us with the necessary flexibility and efficiency to create an attractive and responsive design that met the project’s needs.

As with previous projects, for Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD), we relied on our trusted stack of Netlify and GitHub. This approach allowed us to automate the deployment process, ensuring that updates and improvements were implemented quickly and flawlessly.


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